Colours on the Island of Elba

These are some views of the Island of Elba “as I see it.” I could easily have portrayed the island with the many scenic landscapes which will, however, be published in this Blog.
Instead, I would like to share the features I most appreciate of this Island with you, namely the hues and scents (though it is harder to convey the latter over the Internet :)).
Splashes of colour enliven life with a joyful touch.
On setting foot on the Island for the first time, many visitors are amazed by the size – 147 km coastline, surface area 223.5 km2, and luxuriant vegetation. Perhaps because the Island of Elba is a summer target and, hence, is better known for the sea than for its hills and mountains.
Partly in an attempt to “deseasonalise” tourism, and with the establishment of the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago in 1996, recent years have revealed an island within the Island and, finally, visitors have also started appreciating its naturalistic beauty, a feature that was perceived but neglected.
I too got into the habit of looking around me. Perhaps age or the pleasure of appreciating and knowing the nooks and crannies of the place where I was born and where I live drove me to explore the trails.
On my treks I discovered a passion for photographing flowers… these colourful clouds.
It is actually hard to express my feelings when I portray them. I hope the pictures will speak for themselves…